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Trivia Contests
Listen to Food for Thought with the Taste Buds for your chance to enter our trivia contests. Winners will receive an exclusive Food for Thought with the Taste Buds Foodie Bag, stuffed full with goodies!
Also, be sure to Like the Food for Thought with the Taste Buds Facebook page for other opportunities to show off your trivia smarts and win great prizes!
Here is a sample of recent trivia questions:
- Did you know that tomatoes come in a variety of colors - 6 to be exact. Besides red, name 3 other tomato colors.
- What is the only edible food for humans that will never go bad?
- How many eggs does the Red Arrow Diner go through in a week?
- What is the biggest selling restaurant food?
Think you could answer questions like these? Tune in Sundays from 10:00am-12:00pm for other trivia questions and your chance to win!
Let's Get Social!
Food for Thought with the Taste Buds loves to share tidbits from behind the scenes, during our shows, and from our dining adventures. Check out the latest here!